I'm Anna Lishchynska. I create well-thought human-centered experiences and lead user experience team at Lalafo. Usually you'll find me at my desk developing Loyalty System and plunging into Growth and CX.
4+ years
in design.
6 years in IT in total
organically acquired in the blog over a year
5 complex cases
2 SaaS, 3 mobile apps I am proud of.
Also numerous commercial researches, websites, UX audits, service design projects etc.
successfully graduated students across 3 enrollments
And some random facts
I keen on design thinking and creative approaches
Also, I’m a curator of a UX Design Beginning course in Projector
In June 2023 I created a charitable event for researchers
I gathered researchers from Banda, Kyivstar, Welltech, Depositphotos, Lezo, Fedoriv etc.We collected 44K UAH and handed these money over to Kazhan Fly organisation.